SJRTA Updates:

Local Mine Watch

Since 2020, SJRTA has supported the effort to deny a use permit for an environmentally unsound gold mining proposal in Nevada County. From MineWatchNC’s website:

At the Final Hearing for the Idaho-Maryland Mine on February 15 & 16, 2024, Nevada County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously 5-0 to deny the certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and deny the Rise Gold project, fully rejecting Rise Gold’s plan to re-open the Idaho-Maryland Mine! However, Rise Gold has stated repeatedly they intend to sue the County. They still claim they have a vested right to mine, and that the County has violated their due process rights in the processing of the application. Click here for more information.

San Juan Ridge Prescribed Fire Workshop

Fire Preparedness and Evacuation on the San Juan Ridge

It is YOUR responsibility to do all you can to be prepared before a fire happens, and during a fire to be aware of the situation and all potential evacuation routes. Fire and law enforcement agencies will do their jobs to the best of their abilities.

When you hear of a Red Flag warning, prepare!

IF you suspect there is a fire—go outside, look for smoke, observe wind conditions, listen and look for airplane activity, check communication sources

BE FAMILIAR WITH “READY, SET, GO!” You should have received a booklet in the mail, but if not, see or

  • READY: Creating defensible space and home—info and checklists
  • SET: Situational awareness, being prepared for evacuation, have Go Bags packed in advance
  • GO: Leave when told to do so, or when you feel you should.
  • If you don’t feel safe, don’t wait – evacuate!

EVACUATION    Read more…